architecture is a form of knowing & occupy sp


Translation of these publications by the discipline Estúdio Vertical at the school of Architecture and Urbanism Escola da Cidade.

“By valuing students’ autonomy in the construction of their research, the Vertical Studio encourages and enables diversity in the responses to a conceptual theme that is defined each semester, from the formulation of “questions” and ways of acting in an “extended field” of architecture, to the adoption of different means of representation and language as forms of expression.

During the first semester of 2018, the EV and the XIII International Seminar, from the motto “Architecture is a form of knowing”, have developed diverse researches through integrated work among professors, guests, assistants and students, as we can learn from the small selection in this catalog.

From the motto “Occupy SP”, proposed by the EV in the second semester of 2018, some new researches have begun and are represented in this catalog, as they will be present in the exhibition of the XIV International Seminar –“Still the right to the city?” to be held at Escola da Cidade in February 2019, being the basis for the proposals to be developed in the SI week itself and also for the first semester of the EV.”

Shundi Iwamizu and Francisco Fanucci

work in progress