A Little about the History of Limeira


A Little about the History of Limeira constitutes a collection designed to have four volumes that shall bring the records of the original documents of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, depicting the city that pioneered the issuance of the first letters of slave emancipation, as well as the export of oranges to Europe. It was in Limeira, also once known as the Brazilian Manchester, due to its strength and quality of the industrial park, that the first immigrant experience undertaken in Imperial Brazil took place, employing Europeans in the coffee culture, by the Sharecropping System. The initiative led by Senator Nicolau Pereira de Campos Vergueiro in his Ibicaba Farm, located in the fertile lands of Morro Azul and Tatuhiby, contributed for the Province’s farmers to believe in the substitution of slave labour for the free one, essential condition for the abolition of slavery and the development of the State of São Paulo.”

One more partnership with author José Eduardo Heflinger Jr.

read +: https://g1.globo.com/sp/piracicaba-regiao/noticia/livro-resgata-historia-de-limeira-com-imagens-raras-sobre-durante-avanco-industrial-da-cidade.ghtml?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=share-bar-desktop&utm_campaign=share-bar&fbclid=IwAR1CzB8ecMRHNcawvELxPvj3UFQmrtmB2PvGMQSUlDHwovSa9kQ_w-YxbcY

International Seminar Escola da Cidade


“After the X International Seminar Free Time in the City conducted by Escola da Cidade in partnership with SESC SP in 2015, when we discussed the ways and means of construction for the appropriation of this leisure space in our cities, we would like to propose, for year 2016, the discussion about the urban physical spaces available for the enjoyment of this free time.

The discussion on the free spaces of the city aims to identify concrete possibilities for the creation of new public spaces. The notion of public space (where all activities are licit, and we recognize ourselves as citizens) is directly related to the urban condition we build. We could state that there are different forms or perspectives to see and understand the meaning of public spaces in our cities, and the international guests will be able to offer this multiplicity of views.

In the case of São Paulo, we fell short of them: we need to conform these spaces. Perhaps by building voids, from an emptying of the city that has extensively occupied the primitive floor. We should not only build, but also remove in order to conform the needed clearings for the constitution of free spaces for everyone.”

                                                                                                                         Alvaro Puntoni, Council of Escola da Cidade and Technical Group


READ + : https://www.archdaily.com.br/br/910925/seminario-internacional-2019-escola-da-cidade-sesc-sp-ainda-o-direito-a-cidade


An everlasting honor and learning to have witnessed the foundation, and having worked with the Brazilian Association of Families, Friends and Consumers of Affective Disorders, having the opportunity to better understand depression and bipolar disorder, by teaching the vice president as well as the president during four terms, translating texts, articles and interviews, preparing lectures for forums and conferences, culminating with the ‘Mogens Schou Award’ for Education and Advocacy from the University of Pittsburgh.

“Bipolar patient are often stigmatized because of their behaviour during crises. The stigmatization occurs under different environments such as family, school, and work. How could consumers, families, schools, companies deal with these situations?”   

                                                    +site ABRATA


It has been awesome translating these playwrights’ webscenes for this free online theatre.

forgetting wimbledon
while being here
Rafael Vogt Maia Rosa

strange body
Lourenço Mutarelli

Antonio Prata

on the house
happy birthday fabio
Sergio Roveri


                                                                                         strange body

Laura Belém

Translating the careful language of Rafael Vogt Maia Rosa’s text about the work of contemporary artist Laura Belém required some intimacy with the author’s writings.

The book features reproductions of works exhibited at major museums and galleries around the world, such as ‘The Temple of a Thousand Bells’, presented at the 2010 Liverpool Biennial, and the various installations at the Pampulha Art Museum in Minas Gerais. The analytical texts of critics Rafael Vogt Maia Rosa, Lorenzo Fusi and Rodrigo Moura complete the edition; the two latter ones were curators of important exhibitions by the artist.

“How to talk about the subject without being able to describe it, to highlight elements that, decontextualized, tend to lose or change their meaning? Because at the exact moment she understood feelings that seemed rare and at the same time common: the secret place would still have the same temperature, luminosity, the same frankness of that in which she was. The sensation, despite having its history, depends on a reverence fpr those who are considered most likely to go through their fears and reveal such an embracing concept that could not be hers alone. For what this person does approaches a garden, part of a city, or recalls a children’s story:” 

                                                                                                                       Rafael Vogt Maia Rosa

Permanent Exhibit: ‘Emigration to Brazil under the Sharecropping System’

Partnership with historian José Eduardo Heflinger Jr., experienced through a deep communion in Christ, has naturally flowed from the challenge of translating the books of his research carried out in Brazilian and European documentary archives, with texts from the nineteenth century. It has evolved into the creation of the database Carlota Schmidt Memorial Center, as well as consulting for lectures at the University of Hamburg, the University of Applied Sciences in Bremen, the Johan Jacobs Museum in Zürich, among others, with the support of the Brazilian culture incentive law, the Swiss and German Consulates, the Martius Staden Institute, and several other partners. There were also films for the Historical and Pedagogical Museum Major José Levy Sobrinho. This research has also become theme for the masters: ‘Webs of Significance: performance of lingua franca and experienced narratives of identity’

masters dissertation
“Escravidão” de europeus no Brasil Imperial é tema de mostra
Emigração ao Brasil pelo Sistema de Parceria
Exposição: Emigração ao Brasil pelo Sistema de Parceria


folder Portuguese/English/German





Education and Society


Participating in this seminar with Domenico De Masi, Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Josep Maria Montaner, and Antonio Carlos Barossi in 2013, and after in this bilingual edition of the debate tables with the collaboration of the students at Editora da Cidade, has been a rewarding experience. Next, Escola da Cidade created the graduate course Architecture, Education and Society.


“The fact is that the great picture of architecture, the great scenario is the territory, the geography, and in Latin America, the system of rivers, water, river navigation. Adressing this issue is crucial to the development of population, to avoid the repetition of swollen cities like São Paulo.”                                         Paulo Mendes da Rocha



seminar at Escola da Cidade

The Sharecropping System and the European Immigration


Sixth book of the research on immigration by José Eduardo Heflinger Jr., with documental texts of the nineteenth century in Portuguese, Gothic German, and French that were translated into English. It has been a great honor and challenge to work on all the English books by the author!

1. Childhood Recollections of Carlota Schmidt in Ibicaba (Portuguese-German)

2. Ibicaba: the Cradle of Private European Immigration (Portuguese-German)

3. The Rebellion of the Sharecroppers in Ibicaba (Portuguese-English)                                                                                      

“Everyone received a booklet, where we write down what is received, what is paid and what is still owed. That same day the division of the plantations and coffee trees was carried out. Coffee is planted like grapevines. The trees look like cute little bushes, with leaves like a pear tree’s, they are about 8 feet (around 2,5 m) high and are also planted the same distance apart from one another. When the coffee is ripe, it is pretty to see, it grows almost like cherries, but without the stems. The fruits are about the same size, round and red like a cherry. We have nearly 2,250 trees to care for and harvest. The credits for picking the coffee were distributed as well, at the rate of 0,5 franc for each alqueire, which is a measure of nearly five quartals.”                                                                                                                                                                                                              Esbeth Jost


4. Then the Italians Arrived (Portuguese-English)                                                                                                                

“In 1923, he bought ‘Cia. de Força e Luz de Ponta Grossa’ one of the main centers in the state of Paraná. There, he constituted ‘Cia. Prada de Eletricidade’ with a capital of two thousand contos de réis. He was a great proponent and advocate of the Italian electro technical material at a time when Brazil did not know the capacity of its native steel industry yet.”                 Heflinger Jr.


5. Historical Farms in the Province of São Paulo (Portuguese-English)                                                                                     

 “The entire construction seems to have been prepared to receive the visit of Emperor Pedro II, who was at the location twice. The construction has also made evident the employment of the qualified labor of European immigrants, who with their technical expertise and artistic gifts, greatly contributed to the beautification and sophistication of the rural properties. The house and garden, a grotto built by slaves, a stone stream, the thermae, constitute a harmonious set framed by imperial palm trees translating the life style propitiated by the coffee wealth. Morro Azul Farm reached its apogee in the 1880s.”                      Heflinger Jr.


6. The Sharecropping System and the European Immigration (Portuguese-English)   

 “In just one decade (1847-1857), Vergueiro & Company transferred over sixty thousand European immigrants to numerous coffee producers. Based on the reports by Dr. Heusser, chief judge Manoel de Jesus Valdetaro, jurist Sebastião Machado Nunes, Mr. Jean Jackes Tschudi, on diplomatic correspondence, on documents from the Swiss Confederation, from the Chamber of Deputies of Rio de Janeiro, and numerous Brazilian, Portuguese, German and Swiss archives, we have found data on the constitution of thirty-nine sharecropping colonies in the Province of São Paulo.”              Heflinger Jr.    



launching of “The Sharecropping System and the European Immigration”:
from left, Marcos Fernandes, Irene Sinnecker, Myrian Ricotta, Jenifer Lates,
José Eduardo Heflinger Jr., Swiss Consul Francois Duvanel

7. Destination of the Sharecropping Colonies in São Paulo Province (Portuguese-English)

8. A Remarkable Tale of German Immigration (Portuguese-English)

Gilda Vogt


The friendship and interactivity with artist Gilda Vogt resulted in classes with texts by Diane Arbus and Gerhard Richter, and a deep immersion in the universe of her art culminating in sitting for a portrait, also becoming part of a retrospective exhibition of her work and bilingual book written by curator Gaudêncio Fidelis.

“In Belford Roxo (book cover), we can see a variety of events that configure it as being largely subversive and whose impact on the pictorial field presents considerable conceptual transformation, especially if we designate its highly speculative dimension between human misery and violence or the repressed sexuality of specular voyeurism.”

                                                                        Gaudêncio Fidelis

Video Gilda Vogt – Margs

Gilda portraying Irene

Coleção Arquiteturas

The challenge of translating for the community of architects with whom I coexisted while teaching at Escola da Cidade became an ethnographic research. “The Architectures Collection brings together works by Brazilian and foreign architects, and carries the editorial seal of Editora da Cidade. The books of the collection already released cover the works of Brazilian architects Antonio Carlos Barossi, Salvador Candia, Vainer & Paoliello, and Paraguayan Solano Benítez. The project was designed by professors Anderson Freitas, Eduardo Ferroni, Carlos Ferrata, Cesar Shundi, Pablo Hereñu and Pedro Barros. The collection aims to produce architecture books as pedagogical research with the participation of the students advised by the faculty at Escola da Cidade. The publications are bilingual, translated into English by Professor Irene Sinnecker.”

read+: Antonio Carlos Barossi

“Architecture devides the air in lots and compartimentalises it into communicating vessels of life. An architect seeks ‘the breath of life’, the one that resists the exhaustion of the day-to-day, that makes the solidness of the matters that draw it, lose its seriousness and reveal the elusive human figure…Tata can do it.”                                   Gal Oppido

read +: Solano Benitez

“In the mirror I’m there, in front, outside myself, inhabiting another dimension equated to everything else, it allows me to inhabit another world that is not inside myself on a level of equality and simultaneity, perhaps in the mirror we have a machine capable of allowing us to live differently with our loved… missing loved ones, that the obscenity of death took away from us… the impossible love, because we never find neither the space not the time to allow them to exist…”                                                                     Solano Benitez

read+: Salvador Candia

“These are situations that marked and projected the desired changes by the ideology embraced by a group of professionals convinced that the time had come. We learn from these projects-situations that it is possible to negotiate with the ‘existing city’ by drawing from itself the necessary concepts to bring the desired change.”                                                                                                                                      Regina Meyer 


launching Solano Benitez (seated), from left: Pedro Barros, Cesar Schundi,
Carlos Ferrata, Anderson Freitas, Eduardo Ferroni, Pablo Hereñu, Ciro Pirondi, Irene Sinnecker.

André Vainer e Guilherme Paoliello

read +: https://www.archdaily.com.br/br/884798/lancamento-do-livro-andre-vainer-e-guilherme-paoliello?ad_medium=widget&ad_name=events-index&fbclid=IwAR1erkYhT1R1HFQs4BC_T_sXMhkrOMjLZ49JxfpuYXLcoKgSdVha44gmG9s

Forgetting Wimbledon

webscene by Rafael Vogt Maia Rosa

As keen and talented art critic and playwright, Rafael is unwearying, our teacher-student interaction aimed at his doctorate at Yale, and evolved into friendship and translation work for his plays: Forgetting Wimbledon, Bathers, While Being Here.